Wednesday 10 September 2014

Different Camera    Angles

Mid Shot Angle:

When Looking at this camera angle of the Midpoint we can see that it is showing the figure from the middle and up towards the head creating a detailed mid way camera angle for the figure.

Close Up Angle:

When looking at this camera angle we can see the close up of the figure's head giving us a detailed point of view for a close up this may be used in films to demonstrate close up emotion reactions of the characters in the camera shot.

Bird's Eye View:
When looking at this camera angle we can see that this has been taken from above the character, creating the sense of fading or long shot angles to create that effect of being far away.

Low Angle Shot:
This camera shot is showing a a picture of the figure being down from the bottom creating that effect yet again of being far away or showing postures or emotions from the bottom of the character. When using this shot in a film it could be used to demonstrate something above the character showing this using the low camera angle.

Over the shoulder angle:

This is showing us an over the shoulder angle which is demonstrating that we are still knowing that both characters are still within the shot but it is focusing in on the main character talking so we know he is talking to the woman and we know this because she is still being shown within the shot.

Extreme Close up:
This is showing us an extreme close up angel of the character and his face which is demonstrating to us that we could be looking at his close up emotions to show us closely the feeling he is showing or it can be showing the tensing moments and a close up of his face could be showing us that tense moment that he is going through maybe.

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