Wednesday 26 November 2014

Target Audience
When trying to think about who my target audience could be, I thought about different strategies I could take, I decided to create a questionnaire to see what people would say and this helped me find my target audience. I also created a Poster within my group which is shown below and gives a clear image of what we wanted our target audience to be.

So below is the questions that I included on my questionnaire to see what my answers could be:

Below are the results that I gathered from my Questionnaire:

Response 1:

Response 2:

Response 3:

Response 4:

Overall - From Looking at the data that I collected through my questionnaire we can see that I need to be aiming more at 15 - 18 because many of my responses stated that they are the ages that Paranormal Films are more suitable for. This was because they believed that after this age they should understand that horror is not real and it could affect the younger emotionally. However, when reading these responses there was a shock to me this was because most of the people who answered didn't really like horror or don't watch Paranormal horror a lot. So using these it was hard for me to think about who my target audience was going to be so I have decided and as a group have decided that our Target Audience will be based around from 15 to 18 - 21 or maybe older and over because the people who answered my questionnaire thought those ages were appropriate for Paranormal and themselves were aged 15 and over so we shall not be basing our Target Audience under the age of 15.
Below is Images to the Target Audience Poster that we Created as a Group so we could define our Target Audience:

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