Our Scripting
Below is our script for our horror opening, including stage directions, speech and flashback scenes
Script with Stage Directions for Our Horror Opening
Red Writing – Flashback Scenes
Black Italic Writing –
Normal UN bold
Writing - Speech
Fades In - Panoramic shot of the Church front (Camera Steadily goes
Faintly hearing in the background a little
girl humming (Singing a slightly creepy Nursery Rhyme)
We see the little girl beginning to walk into the church entrance,
whilst holding an old teddy bear and flowers
Her singing begins to fade, as she begins to start talking to herself
under her breath
Little Girl: “Do you think mummy will like these flowers”
The First Flashback Occurs (The Woods): There
would be heavy breathing, heartbeats getting faster, heavy footsteps and
surrounding noises… With the little girl beginning to run in front view of the camera.
The camera follows the girl walking within the
woods however we are never going to be seeing her face.
Back to the Graveyard – The little girl is still talking to herself,
shots of her feet holding her teddy bear.
Little Girl: “I think so to, I know she will like these
The Little girl is humming itsy bitsy spider up until she starts
Another Flashback Occurs: Surrounding sounds
around the area, with a close up from behind her walking within the woods
Back to the Graveyard – The girl slowly walks towards the grave and starts
Little Girl: “Mummy always likes it when I visit her” (Stops
*flash of an image of man standing in door way*
(Back to the present)
Little Girl: “But…Daddy doesn't” (carry’s on walking and
The girl suddenly turns towards a tree and stares (This would be a
point of shot view)
The Little girl arrives and kneels down at the grave (She starts to
talk, leaning the teddy bear against the grave)
Little Girl: “Hello mummy…(Silence/pause)… yeah, I missed
you to, Do you like the flowers I got you?”
Third Flashback: Still standing near a tree,
background noises stops (Silence) and strange laughing begins to appear
The Little girl looks behind her (Still not
showing her face)
Then a close up camera shot of a male’s black
shoes, the little girl begins to start running (The Camera follows her from
Back to the grave – She begins to start humming to herself quietly. Something
flickers within the corner of her eye and turns to face the tree.
A silhouette of a male in darkness is leaning against the tree watching
the girl.
The Camera turns back towards the girl at the grave, getting up quickly
whist grabbing onto her teddy bear that she placed down shouting as she gets up
Little Girl: “no, no, no” (Under her breath)
The fourth Flashback: The girl is running and
she trips over something amongst the ground (Arms come up to cover/protect her
Present Day back to the Graveyard – She turns away from the man and
begins to start running holding her teddy bear.
She falls over and trips, (Arms come up to cover/protect her face/head)
reminds you of her recently doing this within the flashback…
She turns around and gets her knees up, as feet start coming towards
her (We are still not going to be seeing her face)
Fifth Flashback: She turns around whilst on the
ground after falling over, and starts to scrape backwards, trying to escape.
The camera takes a close up shot of the male’s
shoes, as he begins to walk towards her beginning to say something.
The Silhouette: “Sorry my little bird, this is how it has to
Sweeping camera shot of the man’s feet to the
ground and the little girl’s feet marks where she has been going backwards.
The little girl begins to rise (without seeing
her face) saying something
Little Girl: “Please don’t, please…”
Present Day – The girl begins to rock backwards and forwards after
falling over as the man walks over to her and stops in front of her.
The girl begins to look up “Not seeing her face) and the male has
Sixth Flashback: The girl backs into a corner
of some ruins of an abandoned Shack as she still mutters to herself
Little Girl: “no, no, no…please”
A Panoramic screen shot of the male standing in
front of the little girl, however only seeing the male in the distance.
The girl begins to go into a foetal position as
she begins to realise there is nothing she can do
Present Day - She hears something to the side of her after falling over
and turns to get up cuddling tightly to her teddy bear
Camera shot of where she is looking and nothing is there, camera shot
goes down to her feet as she begins to take a step forward
A hand grabs her, she falls to the ground. The Laughing starts to
appear again…
The man takes a step closer, with a camera shot of only the knife in
his hand (Bloodied) this shot carries through to the end. Whilst the little
girl screams
Little Girl: “DADDY NO”
The screen then blacks out with the production logo “Archangels
Productions” appearing and the title of the film “HUNTED” The song
of Itsy bitsy spider would be playing amongst this appearance.
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