Tuesday 6 January 2015

Sound Planning

For our sound planning we have decided to involve the use of an old Nursery Rhyme that our little girl could be singing near the end as our title appears. 
Below is the examples of the sounds that we would like to use in our horror opening:

The Video is called "Creepy Itsy Bitsy Spider by Jade Brown...

We have decided to use this sound because we are going to use this song at the end of our horror opening and by doing this it brings the idea of how innocent and how the past connects with her giving more of a response for the audience.
By doing this it is we are going to bring this music in for when the title of the film appears at the very end.
So, this is how it is going to be done; we are going to have the close up of the knife that the silhouette male is going to be holding and as the camera focuses on the knife we shall have where blood shall be dripping of the knife. By doing this the camera will focus on to this and then our company production name shall appear within the blood which is going to be "Archangel Productions".
Finally, when the title of our film the "Hunted" the music shall begin to play and because the music is at least 27 seconds but we shall be cutting the sound down as the title will not be up for long.

To use this sound that we have choose to include at the end, we have to credit the person who has created this video on YouTube who is "Jade Brown" Thank you for letting us use this video sound in our project.

Therefore, this is the sounding that we would like to use as at the beginning with the girl singing a nursery rhyme, she will be using her voice to sing so no sounds will be used and this is going to be our only music that will be involved as planned so far, this will appear with the title at the end of our opening.

Below is also the sound music we would like playing within the background of most of our opening, this is because of the slow paste this has and with this being slow it is building up more tension. Also with the sense of this we are seeing that is is a down and say long pasting sound which fits in with how our horror opening is going to be going through, the idea of slowness, tension building and to be able to build up the mystery within the opening. So therefore we can see that we have chose this sound for most background music within the opening because of the use of links it has with our opening to our horror.
The video to this is below this...

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