Friday 17 October 2014

Analysis of a Horror opening title

The Opening titles that I have decided to analysis is "The Conjuring" (2013)

Below is the Video of the opening Titles:

The Opening titles to this film have created a sense of olden mystery horror where no one knows what is happening or what it means until they have watched the film without hardly giving nothing away about the film during the opening credit which makes it really questioning.

In the credits I like the use of black and white making it seem dull and full of endless mystery creating that Gothic theme, or emphasizing that this is based in the olden day life. The colour scheme works well with how they have included the different newspapers that entitle the different credits on them. This creates and effect on the opening because using the images of the newspapers might be giving details away linked in with the story of the film. It helps us understand possible past moments within what are explained in the opening titles.

Below are some images that show the different types of creating effect in the Titles:

These images above show the effect that is being shown within the titles. We can see the black and white images that have been used to show the theme showing the family that this film could be possible based around, however in image 3 we can see this as we can see an image showing a family with actors names near them so we can see that this could be the family that are being represented within the film. We can also see a shot of a newspaper image that has been used within the credits, and we can see headlines and stories about ghost hunters and supernatural aspects, so this is showing that the theme of the film can be based around supernatural, so within the titles we are seeing hints of different topics that the film could be about so we are only get a little information, however not giving too much away as not everything needs to be told in the opening. Therefore these screenshots from the titles are showing the themes of the film and the different aspects about what the film could be based around.

However when looking at these credits we can see that they have used bold standard fonts to perform their credits with the images or newspaper images standing out within them. When looking at the title we can see that when each credit or image is different it is like a see through paper being turned over to the next page which is demonstrating it like a book, which would be where the idea of using newspaper articles could link to the idea of flicking pages like a book and with using the idea of see through paper being turned we can always assume that it is showing the theme of supernatural and mystery because of how it seems faded and very see through to that you can only see the corners being turned so using this kind of skills within the title is also creating effect for the audience so they are understanding what the story of the film could also be about.

Therefore, to conclude this analysis of "The Conjuring" film credits we can see that it is showing a clear representation of the theme and the aspects of the film itself, which can create an idea for the audience to think about what the film is going to be all about by only seeing the opening credits. The Graphics that have been used within this shown fear and the mystery that lays within the movie, with the title going at slow paste it creates more of that tension building that is being made to slowly interact and make us think about the understanding of this film and with the dark fading, slow effects for example the moving of slow fading pages turning like a book, that have been used within the titles are showing the topic of mystery and supernatural events which this is what we can possibly interpret from it. However this creates an effect for the audience because of the different fonts used to stand out with the black and white images with nearly most of the images showing something to do with the supernatural and with the use of the images, newspaper articles, fonts and shading effects we can see that the audience would want to find out it all these included in the titles relate to the film and if these things included are actually in the film giving that feeling to the audience that the film must be watched to answer their questions... 

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