Friday 17 October 2014

Font Analysis

Entrails BB Complete Family Pack
This font could be an idea used for a Horror opening. As we can see this font is called a "regular italic" I believe this font would appeal out towards it audience as it is boldly written and looks like someone as wrote this using blood, or has wrote this is a quick way to show the writing style of with a horror aspect. This font empathizes the theme of horror with it slanted view of the font showing that this is positioned in a cruel way, with no care of straightness and enthusiasm however this does represent the theme of horror with it rushed stylish affect, which would appeal to the audience of be unusual and strange, with the view of quick stylish writing setting a simple feel towards the font.

Poltergeist Regular
This also does represent the theme of horror. To me by looking at this font it gives out a fading style. Which by looking at this understanding I would think it would be related to a film of supernatural and a sense of mystery. Therefore this would create and effect on the audience because of how you can look at the font and can think about what theme of horror this would related to. With the fading effect it gives a mystery appeal to it and would make the audience look at it and think about what this could be representing and that they would want to and understand by watching the film why this specific font has been used to represent the theme.

 Scrittura Moderna
This font also does give and understanding of possible fonts for a horror opening. In this we can see that the writing that has been used in this is called "Scrittura" When looking at this font we can see that it looks like and olden day, posh representation of a style of writing. When looking at this font we would refer that the theme of horror that would be used by looking at this theme would be an olden, spooky film or about something that would of happened in the past. When looking at this font we can see that it will be effective for the audience that are viewing this we can see this because it shows an posh way of writing with the loops and long stretched words showing that this could be a detailed into the past story of the horror film giving that feeling of olden horror and the mystery that lays beneath it.

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