Tuesday 14 October 2014

Horror Audiences Research...
Task 1: Explain Mass/Niche and social Groups audiences.

A Mass audience is a big group of people maybe worldwide, and this is where a show or media product would appeal to a wide range of audiences.
A Niche audience is a specific small group of people. This would mean that not many people would appeal to it and it would only be aimed at a small amount of numbered people, so not as popular as shows/films that attract Mass audiences.
Social Groups are people who interact with each other and share similar characteristics. This means for example a horror film would only appeal to people who interact with each other and share the same bond for certain things like they all might like ghost films so the film has to aim it at these audiences/people who they want to watch their specific film.
Task 2: Look at Horror Audiences:

There are many different types of Horror audiences out there, for example like:
ü  Horror: Comedy: This is an audience you enjoys comedy as well as horror with these two types of Horror mixed in it shows different sides to the horror, including bits that want to make you jump and the bits that want to make you laugh, the aim of this would be to get the audience of this type of horror to have mixed emotions with being joyful and bringing a tear to your eye of laughter or the heart pumping moments they want to control different emotions. An example of these types of films are Scary Movie collections which make you laugh and scared at the same time by using horror movies from the past and making the Scary Movie films a joke on with these films they are based around.
ü  Ghost Film audiences/Mystery: These films are where the audience likes to involve ghosts that have a story to them creating that mystery of where that ghost comes from answering questions throughout the films. The audience for this would be who like the tension building of paranormal activities and those who like the questioning of mystery when they watch the film and undiscovered the story behind the ghosts or other relevant subjects. An example-le of this could be the film the Woman in Black this is a ghost film that has curses and mystery and the audience appealed to the screen creating tension and trying to undiscovered, the mystery of her curse.
ü  More horror audiences can be: Action horror (Alien), romantic horror, religious horror, monster horror (Frankenstein) and teenage horror, shark horror (Jaws) and zombie horrors (Shaun of the dead).

Task 3: Think about and show typical Horror audiences:
Typical horror audiences are:
Ghost Films, Romantic horrors, Comedy Horrors, Action horrors and Gothic Horrors.

Task 4: Pick 3 Films and what you think their audiences would be

Film 1: The Woman in Black: The audience for this film would be people who like Ghost film and would aim more at a Mass audience in the audience groups of E, D, B and C1.
Film 2: Scary Movie: The audience for this would more aim at people who like comedy horror that is made funny at the same time. This would be aimed more at a Niche audience because of how it would be aimed at a small specific group of audience. This film would fall in with the audience group of E.
Film 3: Chucky (Child’s Play): The audience for this would be aimed at a more of an action horror based audience. However this film would be aimed at more of a Niche film which would be for a small amount of specific audience as it would not be well know who would attract a large amount of people to view. Therefore this film would fall into the audience groups of E and D.
Task 5: How will this affect your horror opening?
With focusing on the different types of horror audiences in this research task I would think when I create my horror opening I need to think about who I want to aim it at and how I want it to achieve like these films have that I have looked at. I would like to try and aim my horror at a mass audience so it can be a large amount of audience as you would get more attention and views for this. However you would need to think about what type I would need to conduct in my opening and how this can attract my mass audience. Therefore this would affect my horror opening because I need to think about my audience and what would attract them into watching and expressing themselves to it.

This is an example of the Genders that watch Horror films as a Gender audience:

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