Friday 24 October 2014

Analysis of a Horror Opening Titles (1)

The Opening title that I have decided to analyse is "Insidious"

When looking at these 9 screen shots from the horror opening titles to the film "Insidious" we can see many different things that we can analyse from this so lets take a look...
Q.)How Does the title sequence establish genre, character and narrative?
When looking at this title opening title we can see that the genre of this title could relate to the topic of "paranormal" aspects. I can think this because when watching the title we can see that this could be what is happening because, when looking at the writing within the credits it is showing the writing fading slowly away which this could be linking in with how a ghost fades away giving it that paranormal theme. When looking at this we can even see that the images of empty rooms within this house that it could be showing which has been shown in one of the screen shots above. With the emptiness of the rooms that have been shown, this could be showing a start of a new house maybe the sense of new beginnings, showing that new things always don't always turn out good.
When looking at the characters within this opening title we can see that when looking at the characters we can see in one of the screen shots above an image of a photo frame that could be representing the family that is linked in with this film. When looking at this family we can see the normal happy family however with this being a horror film we could possibly see that this family is going to go through pain and horror with many twists and turns to it.
Q.) How does the title sequence attract an audience's interest?
The title sequence would attract the audience because of how dark and in depth of the paranormal effect. With just watching the sequence we have linked it in with the genre of horror, however this would be creating the effect for the audience because of how it sets the scene with only using the colours of black and red creating that sense of mystery and danger within the film. However when looking at the title when the title of "Insidious" appears it is shown boldly with mixed colours of the black and red colours which are being shown throughout the whole sequence, with title have red and black being mixed together we can see the different senses of danger and that sense of mystery. With the use of the slightly small images with the black background it is also giving it the sense of darkness and the fear of knowing what is going to happen and what are these images representing within the title could these be linking in with the actual movie could these be screen shots of this? Therefore these titles will create and effect for the audience because of the mystery that is being shown within the titles wanting to know what is going to happen in this film and why is this going to happen the audience would want to know what these are meaning and the use of the titles are teasing the audience creating an interest of what paranormal activity/stories are going to happen and why? 
Q.) What do you consider to be the target audience of this film and why?
When watching this opening title of the film "Insidious" I believe that the target audience of this film could be for 15 years and old maybe going onto the 18 year old's this is because of the depth this would go into because thinking about the possible violent or traumatic scenes that could be included in this film. However thinking about this some people maybe under 15 would still consider watching this maybe because of parent permission however a film as a suitable age range for the reasons of what the film includes for example the violence, any swearing, etc. Therefore I believe this filmed is aimed at 15 years and older attracting more to the younger audiences then the older because of the features it includes and many younger people watch daring films then those older people who would of watched many of these films including the suitable age features.

Q.) Who are the producers of this film and why is it evident to the title sequence?
The film insidious was produced by: Jason Blum, Steven Schneider and Oren Peli. When looking at these producers we can see that they all are producers of "Paranormal" films including the films like paranormal activity and The Purge. We can see this is evident within the title sequence because it is showing the horror and the sense of paranormal activity within the opening with the sense of fading fonts and words, the colour use of the darkness and the red maybe for the fear of the past, when looking at these producers we can all see that they link in with the opening titles as they are all based around Paranormal films and Insidious is a "paranormal" film.

Below is a Video showing the Insidious title openings:

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