Friday 3 October 2014

The History of Horror…
The History of Horror goes way back to the late 1800's which was put on our television to create: fear and tension for us viewers. Something new was brought to our screens.The idea of Horror films have now been running though the years and are still going today with the horror types such as: Slashers, serial killers, Revenge, nature environment horror, Science fiction horror, the living dead, ghosts and haunted houses, Demons, possessions, vampires, werewolf's and many other topics such as monsters and death.

An explanation of the History of Horror through video:
This video explain the importance and why the filming of Horror has begun back in the past and is till continuing today...

Some examples of Horror films that are serial killers/Slashers:
There is a film in 1927 called "The Lodger" this is the hand - cuffed lodger who is trapped in a railing whilst escaping from the mob, who believed he became the Jack Ripper.
Another example is the "The Vanishing" in 1988
Some Examples of Horror films that are Science Fiction:
There is the classic film called "Aliens" this is about a machine- bug - animal killing machine.
The film called "Quatermass and the Pit" (1967) Which is about a thing from another world imagine aliens are buried here for eons... just waiting for us to dig them out.

Some Examples of Horror Films that are from the Living Dead films:
There is a classic film know as "Frankenstein" (1910) This was only a 15 minute silent version film.
Another example of a film is called "Day of the Dead" Romero turned the genre on its head yet again - this time making the living dead oppressed and misunderstood.
Some examples of Haunted House/Ghost films: 
The first film is called "The Lady in White" This is where a lady in white hovers nearby the young in a film that is much darker then it looks.
Another film is called the "Woman in Black" This film has a remake in 2012 but had an older version this was based on a ghost that haunted the house because she can not leave the house and puts a curse on anyone who walks in even the surrounding village does not dare to fear her...

Some Examples of Vampires and Werewolve films:
An example of a film is "Dracula" (1992) This is like a Gothic, romance that Dracula as kind of a rock star, liberating repressed London society.
An example of a werewolve film is called "An American Werewolf in London" (1981) This is where they wanted to play up with agony with bones snapping, and skin and sinew stretching...

To conclude...
Therefore over the years of Horror, whilst being on our screens for so long we can see how Horror has changed or been improving over the years. Many different types of Horror have been discovered over the years making them with all these different types many people can be frightened and heart pumping over these by making these it can open people's minds and would effect them in the different ways that it can. With people who are effected my Ghosts then they have specific films to keep them to hide behind there sofas. They have attracted people over the years either to overcome their fears or face challenges of watching something new that may affect them getting to sleep at nights. Horror would always play on people's mind with us thinking these films are real and that they will happen to us but these films are made from inspiration
and ideas to make people have different views of a wide range of films. Horror has become successful over the years and is still going on with new ideas or continuing the same work from the past horror always plays with emotion and will always become a challenge for people to watch.

What Have I LEARNT - When looking at the history of horror I can see how much it has changed over time which has gave me expanding knowledge in how and why horror has been developing over the years. When looking at the horror I now know that different genres of horrors have changed, like looking at story lines and the certain effects that have been used and why. When looking at the horror it has helped me develop my ideas for a horror and this is thinking about using classic horror scenes and genres so thinking back to the old was always going to be the scary stories compared to the future horrors so by looking at the past horrors I know I need to develop any of my ideas around them.

Here is a brief Timeline of the History of Horror over the years...

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