Tuesday 14 October 2014

Representation of the Woman in Black…
The Woman in Black
Actor of the Woman in Black:  Elizabeth "Liz" White

The Character of the Woman in Black, has been shown in the cinema poster as a small character, like she does not want to be seen and wants to stay as a mysterious character, showing this in the fading effect in the poster. 
Within the film the Woman in Black is always seen in the distance with only a slight sight of her in the background the scene. She sees to not want to be seen as close as she wants to as she wants to build herself up within the film.  As the film has a dark story to it the Woman in Black has a dark tone to herself with the simple Black dress that she wears in a Victorian look alike, with this dress she blends in with the darkness around her making her stand out when seeing her appear in the backgrounds of the scenes this would create tension and mystery as she wants people to "fear her curse" however she is a mysterious character with a background of mysterious that are discovered through her.
The audience of her character would be aimed at young adults from the age of 14 to the older age of over 30 to question the audience who is she and what is her past, and why she is still haunting the abandoned house.

The activity of her character is a typical ghost character, frightening and scaring and keeping that mystery that she is in, she is sometimes unknown but needing to be discovered.
The Woman in Black has been represented to the audiences as a mysterious character, to make us question who she is and what she is doing. We see her as this dark character, that only wants to be seen when she appears or when a character interferes with her. Throughout the film she is only seen in the distance blending in with the dark surroundings that set the theme. However near the climax, tension building scene we can see that she is wanting to be seen clearly for who she is and making us as the audience see who the Woman in Black is and how she doesn't want people to be in her house or to discover her belongings and past...

When looking at how the Woman in black moves she seems to move very slowly, like when she turns around or sometimes just stands there. By doing this as her character she seems more mysterious and creates that tension building within her as you don't know what she is going to do as she moves slowly showing that her actions are needing to be slow creating the fear factor. However, when it gets to the climax of the film she seems to move very fast however she is seen as moving fast, but she still moves quite slow in her actions this is also helping to link towards the idea of tension thinking about why she is seen as wanting to move fast however is still moving slow like she isn't prepared and she is creating that fear inside her...
When looking at the make up of the character we can see that she is seen mostly as black or grey which this connotes that she is linked to the past as thinking about that she is a ghost of the past, given that olden era, dull Gothic look as she is also dressed in a black cloak, looking like she is like an old lady like she could be dressed for a funeral and this is connoting her character as an olden era look.
Here is an image of her when she chooses to come close up towards the audience...

Example of the Scary scenes...

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